Top Five Parish Priorities (as discussed and voted by 200 parishioners)

The Mission of St. Patrick’s Catholic Community is to proclaim and live the Gospel message of unconditional love, healing and reconciliation through prayer, celebration and action on behalf of justice as a sign of hope for all God’s people.

Spirit of life, Spirit of wisdom, be active among us,
the people of St. Patrick Catholic Community.
Bring us together and keep us together in unity of mind and heart
as we search for ways
to live the Gospel
in our present and in our future.
Lead us and inspire us
in fulfilling our mission
as disciples of Jesus
in this community of believers,
now and always.


We are at an exciting time in the unfolding story of St. Patrick’s! Exactly 200 parishioners took part in one of twenty-four “house meetings.” From that, we have discerned as a parish our main five priorities. It will be the charge of the Parish Pastoral Council to provide the leadership within the parish to make a successful implementation of these five priorities.

The Top Five Parish Priorities:

  1. Communications. Parishioners want a better use of all forms of social media to keep all of us informed about ministries and what’s going on within the parish. Also, the need to use social media to let the wider community know about St. Patrick’s.
  2. Our social outreach. Parishioners want us to build on St. Patrick’s legacy of reaching out to the poor and those on the margins–in direct service and also on behalf of justice.
  3. Music ministry. Parishioners want us to bring on a Music Director and also a choir.
  4. Ministry to the younger members of the parish–including teenagers and also our young adults.
  5. Our spiritual growth as a parish— through small-group reflections and Scripture study.

Also, equally mentioned as a #5, is renovation of our buildings on the campus of St. Patrick’s.

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