MICAH @ St. Patrick
St Patrick’s is a member of MICAH (Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope), which is a coalition of community and faith-based organizations joining together to give a more powerful voice for issues of justice in our city. Our current platform concentrates on three pillar issues, economic equity, education equity, and race & class equity in the justice system. We organize and speak to our community and its leaders, always seeking to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.” The purpose of MICAH is to amplify our voice and the impact by working together interdependently.
MICAH Calendarhttps://www.micahmemphis.org/calendar
Get Involved
Contact St Patrick’s MICAH Delegates
Monica Juma mpjuma5@gmail.com
Debra Brittenum dbrittenum@gmail.com
Barrie Simpson barrie@barriesimpson.com
Jan Kidder jankidder62@gmail.com
The St Pats Micah core team meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month.